Sunday, 19 February 2012

Uni: Being an Undergraduate 002

The previous post of this series seemed popular so I thought I would carry on! Lately we've been made to think more about dissertations/ applied projects for our final year, work experience and placements for now and in the summer and more importantly this has led to what we want to do in the future.

I have this all sorted out as I know in my own mind what I plan to do when I've finished university and everything I want to do in the lead up to this, I just need a 'proper plan' and then to put this plan into action. There's two words social media. I spend half of my day checking Facebook, Tweeting, going on Tumblr and checking blogs so I don't think theres a better career that would suit me. I'm not very good at 'thinking' so corporate PR or crisis management would be a suitable career me for, I prefer being more creative and too be honest this has been shown through my marks in my modules in the last two years.

I'm currently on the path of sorting myself out either some volunteering work, a placement or a job where I would learn about the role that I want to be in eventually. This excites me being able to be out there and do things that will allow me to better myself but then the other half of me is scared, scared of rejection and the fear of actually doing a job or a placement where I'd know no one, wouldn't no what on earth I was doing. But this is part of the excitement in a way, I like to learn really, yes weird but I've been in education all my life, never had a break so whats the point in stopping.

I get so down when I get rejected or get told that I'm not very good at something but I need to learn how to deal with this myself and how to put up with this. I've been rejected many times by jobs, even part time jobs so in a way I'm used to it now. Even though I've not had an interview in about a year, quite annoying really the amount of CVs and emails I send out and then I get no responses.

Are you in your 2nd year and feeling the pressures of dissertations? or even in your final year and in the final stages of putting it together? Do you have any tips to help me manage the stress next year?

Thanks for reading! Hope your all having a great weekend!


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