Friday, 1 June 2012

End of the week update.

001. I went to the gym this week, twice! This is the first time I've been in over 3 months because of university and I had the 'cba' attitude but thats gone now. I really enjoyed it actually and didn't struggle as much as I thought I would.
002. Yesterday I went out for a meal with Danny and his family for his Nan and Grandad's 60th wedding anniversary. Yes 60 whole years and its so weird that its the same year and weekend as the Queen, I guess that makes it extra special for them and I feel so happy to be involved with them and to know people that have been married for 60 years. Tomorrow they are having a party to celebrate with everyone and that should be extra special for them, so I'm really excited.
003. It's jubilee weekend! For some reason I'm super excited for all the fesitivities that are happening over the weekend, the concert that Gary Barlow has sorted out on Monday and the pageant on Sunday. I think its something we're probably never to see again in our lifetime and to celebrate it now.
004. I got university grades back this week and I'm so pleased with myself I got a 1st and a 2:1 in different modules and I really didn't expect to do that well. So a little pat on the back for myself.
005. I might not be around in the blogging community next week as much because I'm going down South for a few days to visit my Grandad and don't want to spend too much time blogging and I don't have that much to say at the moment.

006. Don't forget to pick up a copy of Glamour magazine to get your Benefit freebies, I picked up Porefessional and That Gal today and I can't wait to try them. For £2 it seems good for 75ml and to see if you like the product.

I hope you all enjoy this Jubilee weekend and have a good time! 


  1. Congrats on your essay results! I'm looking forward to the Jubilee weekend too, even though I really am not doing anything special! Sounds like you will be busy though (: x

    1. Thank you so much :) Most of the time will be spent infront of the TV watching the celebrations, wish I could be in London for them though! x

  2. I'll have a look at your blog x


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