Friday 27 January 2012

Going from Flab to Fab this Summer!

It may seem too early to start this series but I want to share my tips and tricks to you all on how to look great for this summer time, and to try and keep you all updated on how I'm doing, what I'm eating and my motivations to lose weight. I don't like saying 'oh I'm on a diet and want to be a certain weight', I won't be trying all the fad diets out there. I would rather just tone up and lose weight and be able to look at myself in the mirror and feel comfortable with myself and be happy. I will be eating healthy and exercising as I've lost weight before this way and its the best way that works for me. I know I've mentioned this before but I have a big holiday planned for the summer and want to look my best and feel confident in a bikini which I don't at the moment.
Here are just a few 'rules' that I've set up myself in order to try and become healthy and lose weight.

  • No full sugar fizzy drinks.
  • Drink more water.
  • Eat 5 a day.
  • Exercise 2-3 days a week, arms, legs and cardio.
  • No bad snacks.
  • No chocolate.
  • Brown pasta/ bread/ rice where possible.
  • Friendly foods; salad, vegetables and fruit.
  • Get adequate amounts of sleep.
  • When stressed, shut down.
I enjoy pushing myself when it comes to exercise but I always make sure I am in the right frame of mind to do exercise or else I will be demotivated and won't make the most of that hour and half that I'm in the gym. Motivation is one of the key words when it comes to fitness because as soon as the motivation has gone then your going to start piling the pounds back on.

A few weight loss tips are:

  • Fruit and veg are your best friends. They are good for you and will all go towards your 5 a day.
  • Tell people your losing weight. So if you get invited out for a meal with friends you don't have to say no because your worried about what your going to eat. If people know then they'll expect you to get a lighter meal or a salad.
  • Do it for yourself! Don't do it just to please your family, partner or anyone else. You have to make sure your doing it for the right reasons and for you.
  • Make sure you eat in moderation. If you want to eat a few Haribo sweets, do it! Just don't eat the whole packet. Everyone needs a treat every now and then, so don't deprive yourself of what you want.



  1. Good luck on your toning up misson, though I bet you look fabulous just the way you are.

    Have you checked my weight loss post?

    Following :)


    1. Thank you :) I've just read your post, wow. You did really well :)


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